Monday, December 26, 2011

Southern California Pest Control

!: Southern California Pest Control

Southern California residents have recently noticed home pests invading their homes; which can be a real problem, not to mention nuisance. Insects and rodents create an unhealthy living environment and this can result in people getting allergies and even succumbing to some diseases.

Pests breed when many homeowners fail to properly keep their living environment clean. They can also suddenly crop up due to changes in the environment or when you bring foreign elements into your home, which is already affected by pests, without noticing. If you are faced with a growing infestation of insects and the can of Raid is running low, the only alternative that you have is to call a professional pest control service company to address the problem. There are many reliable pest control services in California, many of whom are more frequently using eco-friendly products.

A qualified pest control service should do the following for you:

They will send you an expert who will be a certified professional, and who has in-depth knowledge of pest behaviors and breeding patterns; in addition to how to eliminate the pest.

They will assess the extent of infestation of the pest and offer a solution based on the level of damage done. For example, if an increased level of moisture is the cause for the incontrollable breeding of the pest, they would likely come up with a low toxicity and odorless solution.

If any of your personal activities cause pests to come into your home, qualified professionals can alert you of the situation and provide advice to prevent future unwelcomed guests.

They will make use of non-toxic products when eliminating pests. Professional pest control services look into coping with the problem of pests on a psychological level and make use of environmentally sound pesticides.

In case you feel that you can control the pest problem in your living environment and feel the extent of damage by pests is manageable, you can control it using mechanical devices such as sticky traps (insects), snap traps (mice), electric-light traps (flies) and others, depending on the pest.

If you decide to use pesticides, read the label carefully. The label will give you directions on its usage and will inform you on any protective gear you may need to wear when using it. If you still have doubts seek professional advice on its usage. Finally, it is important to remember that pests will never come into a place which is kept clean. Therefore it is vital to implement steps that bring about a clean living environment to avoid this problem from happening.

Southern California Pest Control

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tips For Choosing the Right Roach Trap

!: Tips For Choosing the Right Roach Trap

Numerous people are looking for one roach trap that works well. Finding traps that promise wonderful results is not a problem. They are everywhere in the market. The problem is that some of them do not work properly. To a given extent, the users contribute to the traps' ineffectiveness. This is either because they do not follow instructions properly or because the users continue to feed the roaches. Most traps will not eliminate all the roaches at once. The few straying insects you leave are likely to reproduce again, and cause you the same disgrace in no time.

If you want to avoid it, starve the cockroaches. How do you do it? Always leave the dinning or kitchen floors and surfaces clean, without any food scrap. You have to search all the other areas for possible bits of food. The roaches will as well feed on raw foods like some vegetables and fruits. They love carrots and tomatoes. Thus, you must find a better way of storing both cooked and raw foods in your house. The other major mistake that users make is failure to read the instructions. Each product has some directions written on the manual.

Do not assume that sprays, gels, dusts or sticky glues for trapping insects work similarly. A few products made by the same brand might have very different instructions. Take your time to learn how each product works effectively. Follow instructions completely and even if you do not notice, good results instantly, each product will to some extent work. You could easily discard any roach trap that does not deliver what it promises the users. If you do not want the hassle of trying and discarding, how about reading customer testimonials and reviews online? Although trying it yourself will give you a firsthand result, about any trap, you could save money and time by reading reviews.

Other customers who have used a given trap to eradicate roaches write a review about it. If you read a similar detail from one or more previous users, then you could decide to buy or to ignore the product. If the users feel that a given trap is not effective, then you should not spend your money to buy it. Chances are that you might have the same bad experience. When searching for customer reviews, pick each type of cockroach trap at a time.

For instance, you could type roach spray, roach gels, roach dusts or even roach glues on Google and search. This search engine will return many results for each keyword. You will find that some sites display a product with its features, descriptions and reviews. Take time to read and to review different products. You might want to use the price as one of your selection factors. However, be advised that good products are not always the low priced or the high priced ones. Let the word from other roach trap users be your guiding light. Your goal should be to find one product that could eliminate roaches in your home.

Tips For Choosing the Right Roach Trap

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Childrens Asthma: Problems When Sleeping

!: Childrens Asthma: Problems When Sleeping

The majority of children have some difficulty during the night. To wake a couple of hours after going to sleep with a nasty cough is common. As is snoring, bed-wetting, and restless sleeping [thrashing about and waking often].

There is a simple explanation, and a direct solution. Remember the simple lesson of the mouse and the elephant. The only way to cause asthma is by breathing like a big ......elephant. One of the easiest ways to breath like an elephant is to sleep on your back. In this position there is no resistance to huge deep breaths. Turning on your side makes it physically more difficult to breathe so deeply ó your body pushes down on your lungs more.

The other problem with being asleep is that your mouth will usually open this allows us to breathe even more deeply. On top of this our breathing gets deeper as our sleep gets deeper. When we are in our deepest sleep, our breathing is at its deepest ó very deep indeed if we are on lying on our backs with our mouths open! Too deep.

This elephantine breathing cause loss of more CO2 than we produce, the level gets dangerously low, and various defenses including spasm of smooth muscle and increased mucus production kick into gear. So your child starts coughing, snoring or wheezing, or the constriction of the smooth muscle around the bladder causes it to feel very full and bed wetting occurs. [Snoring is just your throat closing a little to try to stop you breathing like an elephant.]

The answer to this is to keep your mouth closed when you are asleep. The Manual contains a full section on this, but in brief, use surgical tape to keep your childs mouth closed. Do this only on children over 5 years. It has been used on younger children, and the reason I suggest this age is to ensure that the child has the ability to pull the tape off him if needed.

Before you write this idea off as absurd and dangerous listen to the instructions. The goal is to have just enough sticking power on the tape for it to stay on, and keep the lips together.

The tape recommended is called surgical or paper tape about 1 inch wide, available from a pharmacist. Tear off a strip about 2 inches [5 cms].

Fold a small tab on each end, so that it is easy to grip. Then repeatedly put the tape onto your palm and tear it off. Do this until it is hardly sticky at all.

It does not need much power to keep your lips together. Ensure your mouth is closed, as you can breathe through this tape, and gently place in lengthways along your lips. I suggest you do this on yourself first to show your child that you are also doing it. [It will greatly improve your sleep quality if you actually wear it in bed.]

Have a practice during the day with the tape so there is less if any drama at bedtime. Check on the child around 3.30 am to check he has not pulled it off. Re-apply it if necessary.

If it is off and you do not re-apply it, then your child will have no protection during the deepest sleep/breathing period, and will start the next day dealing with the results of huge elephant breathing. This may be asthma, bedwetting or just plain tiredness. As with the breathing drills, this is as important as brushing your teeth!

The most common concern with this is that your nose will block up will your mouth is taped closed and you will suffocate. Fortunately, the effect of CO2 on your nose makes this impossible. The more blocked your nose becomes, the more CO2 you will trap in. The extra CO2 will cause your nose to unblock. So your nose will not block completely unless you open your mouth. It may whistle a bit, but cannot close up completely.

Childrens Asthma: Problems When Sleeping

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to Control and Prevent Pantry Pests

!: How to Control and Prevent Pantry Pests

There are many kinds of pests that you can bring into your house from the wet market. Moths, weevils, beetles, and cockroaches are just some of the many pests that you might unwittingly bring with you into your hearth and home. Flower arrangements, decorative dried corn cobs, cake mix, chocolates, spices, mouse and rat bait, cookies, crackers, granola bars, and other foodstuffs are some of the things that can invite pests to lodge in your home. However, since these things are necessary, being food or household items in daily use---indoor pest control is needed to ensure that you and your family remain safe from pests.

If these foods are improperly stored or are kept for a long period of time, pest eggs can hatch in the food containers themselves without your knowing it. Here are some tips you can follow to help as pests control:

When infested with moths, weevils, or beetles, emptying all drawers, cabinets and pantries of any possible infested item helps to prevent the spread of the infestation. Containers or items which are a possible source of the infestation must be cleaned or gotten rid of. Putting items into Tupperware containers, air-tight canisters, or zip-lock plastic bags help prevent these pests from getting into them. If you wish to save foodstuff that you think might be infested, placing them in the fridge for five to ten days will kill the pests that might be residing in them. Ensuring that canned goods' rims are cleaned, and that the sides and edges of jar lids are cleaned ensure that pests cannot reside in them.

Using aerosol sprays with crevice tips, such as the CB-invader will allow you to spray not just the obvious areas where pests might roam around or may be seen, but those nooks and crannies where they hide and breed. Spraying these areas will kills all adult pests, however it should be noted that some pupae or eggs can still survive and develop a resistance to the insecticide. To rid yourself of cigarette beetles, a treatment on Precor IGR solution on cracks are crevices work. It is very good in decimating the beetle population. For some similar pests, Gentrol Point Source or Gentrol will prevent premature pests from developing into adult ones, thus killing off their population by preventing reproduction. Using this method prevents re-infestation and facilitates in efficient pest control. For persistent pests, a secondary or tertiary treatment of the odorless CB-invader for some weeks will do the job.

If you are having trouble with Mediterranean Moths, Indian Meal Moths, or other moths which infest flour and grains, placing moth traps are useful for eliminating them, since they catch adult moths and prevent them from laying eggs. The trap itself is highly inviting to moths since it is laced with a very strong sex pheromone which baits them into 'mating' with the trap, only to be caught in the sticky glue.

Common pantry pests are highly irritating and annoying, especially if they infest a household. However, one can easily manage to eradicate these pesky critters by following some of the simple tips stated above. When infested with the flour moth, the first, second, and third step may be undertaken. However, there are some exceptions, such as in the case of still hatching pupae. By cutting down on the pesticides until they hatch, you have a better chance of killing them.

If still your pest problems persist, contact an integrated pest management service. They will gladly assist you in eradicating your bane once and for all!

How to Control and Prevent Pantry Pests

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Deadly VENUS TRAP (Dionaea Muscipula) in Action ►►►Captured on Live Video!

A rare video of the Deadly VENUS TRAP (a Carnivorous/Predatory Plant) Captured on Live Video! SHOWN ON THIS VIDEO FOOTAGE►►► The Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) SHOWN ON THIS VIDEO FOOTAGE►►► The snap traps of Dionaea muscipula close rapidly when triggered to trap prey between two lobes. ►►► SNAP TRAP ►►► (Information Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The only two active snap traps—the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) and the waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa)—are believed to have had a common ancestor with similar adaptations. Their trapping mechanism has also been described as a "mouse trap" , "bear trap" or "man trap", based on their shape and rapid movement. However, the term snap trap is preferred as other designations are misleading, particularly with respect to the intended prey. Aldrovanda is aquatic and specialised in catching small invertebrates; Dionaea is terrestrial and catches a variety of arthropods, including spiders. The traps are very similar, with leaves whose terminal section is divided into two lobes, hinged along the midrib. Trigger hairs (three on each lobe in Dionaea muscipula, many more in the case of Aldrovanda) inside the trap lobes are sensitive to touch. When a trigger hair is bent, stretch-gated ion channels in the membranes of cells at the base of the trigger hair open, generating an action potential that propagates to cells in the midrib. These cells respond by pumping out ions, which may either cause water to ...

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to Get Rid of Field Mice

!: How to Get Rid of Field Mice

If you have a field mice infestation inside or outside the home, then follow these tips. If you aren't sure if they are technically field mice or not, it's OK because this process will work with any kind of mouse.

First you need to mow the yard as short as possible and clean up any extra sticks or leaves in the to make it difficult for the mice to have a place to live and seek out shelter.

Outdoors you have a few more options than you do indoors because you don't have the fear of mice dying inside your walls. Only try these techniques if you are sure they aren't in your home.

Usa bait stations. These work well at killing mice, but be aware that it's a poisonous process. For the most part these will help control the population.

Soda pop in a bowl will be attractive to the mice. It can make them sick and kill them.

Use instant mashed potatoes. These will be eaten by mice and will cause their bellies to swell and kill them.

If you have field mice inside the home, there are some ways of getting rid of them.

Clean up the house and seal up all food products completely. Don't leave clothes around the house.

Seal up any cracks you find with steel wool because mice can't chew through steel.

Inside it's harder to use poisons and baits cause children and pets could come in contact with them. Use sticky traps and traps instead to be on the safe side or better yet electronic rodent control devices.

How to Get Rid of Field Mice

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mouse Infestation is Never Good

!: Mouse Infestation is Never Good

Who wants to admit to a mouse infestation? But they can happen to even a well-kept house. Mice run indoors for cover from predators, the elements or for food. Unfortunately, mice also bring the dangers of disease, including the Hantavirus. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome is a deadly disease humans can contract when they come in contact with infected mouse droppings or urine. Although rare, it is deadly. In addition to the threat of disease, mice have been known to gnaw through electrical cords, starting house fires. The best form of protection and prevention from disease and mouse-caused electrical fires is rodent control.

The Telltale Signs of Mouse Infestation

It's the scurry of little feet in the walls. Or the sound of gnawing or squeaking. There's damage to food or other materials in the house. And finally, the presence of mouse droppings, which are 1/8 to 1 inch in length and dark and pointed at both ends. If you have any one of these signs, chances are, you have yourself a mouse infestation. Luckily, there's ways to combat the intruders.

Rodent Control to Fight Mouse Infestation

There are several ways to fight mouse infestation, from the common sense sanitation measures to the more elaborate mouse traps. Because mice can survive in very small areas with limited amounts of food, even the cleanest buildings are not mouse-proof if they store food. Although good sanitation will reduce the likelihood of a mouse infestation, it will not eliminate mice. And, poor sanitation increases your chances of mouse infestations.

Be sure to store food properly, in glass jars, metal canisters or other resealable, airtight containers. Clean areas exposed to food often, ensuring crumbs are not left behind to attract these uninvited dining guests. And wherever food is stored, seal any openings larger than ¼ inch to keep mice out. A good way to seal holes is mixing steel wool with caulk. Don't overlook openings in the foundation, around water pipes, vents, windows or doors. Screens should be checked to ensure proper fitting.

Once you have a mouse infestation, you need to take steps to remove the mice. There are a variety of traps available. They can be broken down to two main types: catch and release or kill traps. Catch and release traps are not recommended because once released outdoors, the mice can find their way back into your home. Also, handling mice exposes you to the risks associated with them.

Kill traps range from the standard spring release to the more advanced electronic variety. Spring traps work by crushing the mice to death. Often, the process is lengthy and results in a mess to clean up. Glue traps work by luring the mice to the sticky surface where they cannot escape. Overtime, the mice die from dehydration, starvation or exposure.

New electronic mouse traps provide a quick death and mess-free cleanup. Mice enter the trap where they are shocked and instantly killed. The body is dropped into a drawer. The most effective and easiest to use electronic mouse traps can store up to 10 bodies before needing to be deposited. Once the trap is opened, the shocking mechanism is deactivated, which is why this is a safer way to eliminate mice. Other traps run the risk of harming pets or children, or even your fingers when setting them.

To keep your family safe, electronic traps are recommended. Highly effective at eliminating a mouse infestation, they are also easy to use and humane for the mice.

Mouse Infestation is Never Good

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mole Pest Control and Residential

!: Mole Pest Control and Residential

Now is probably a good time as any to talk about the mole pest control and residential. They are kind of ugly holes in our lawn and can do some "damage to the foundations of our system. They also do damage to the roots of any of our garden plants. So we really need to find a way to get rid of them.

They live all year metro tunnels and many cards through our site. If you are a gardener or a homeowner who takes pride in his lawn care moleusually makes its presence felt after several days of rain during the spring and fall, when the surface by pushing piles of dirt on the surface. If you look at the plants and it seems that something gnawed at him, probably was not the bullet, but a rodent. Moles are not classified as a rodent. Rodents also makes good use of mole plants and ground attack.

The mole has two types of tunnels, one is a road just below the surface andis classified as a tunnel power. This tunnel has also raised smaller hills across the lawn. The other tunnel is much deeper in the ground and the supply of all the galleries come together in it. What you see on the lawn is usually a small mound of dirt that looks like a volcano, this dirt from the tunnel deeper.

Moles are easily confused with two other hunters on earth - the gopher and the vole. The easiest way to identify the pest that is what they leave behind. MoundsMoon joined as a volcano, and pocket Mice mound is similar to a horseshoe. The field mouse does not leave a lot of land and built an airstrip near the surface visible is probably about two inches wide. Are built with Mice eating the grass and goes through the same point over and over again.

Probably the easiest way is to remove the mole poison, mole repellent, or use of a trap. The traps are made to kill moles and have scary namesas a "choker trap mol" spear "or" scissors. "To catch a mole's best to put the trap in a tunnel of active power. To verify the presence of an active tunnel is a flattening of the high hills in the land, marking, and from 12 to 24 hours to see if the hill has been postponed. If so, you found the right tunnel. Now you want to remove the grass on the tunnel and take appropriate field at the end of its route and location of the trap, taking care notleave any loose dirt around it. Moles do not see very well but have a touch-sensitive, find any loose dirt and leaves the trap.

A poison called Moletox commercial and repellents based formula as Mole-Med is the castor oil. Generally, you need to water the area where you will use these products in the first place, so that the product penetrates the soil. The package directions will tell if irrigation after application is necessary or if you need to applythat.

If you have children or pets, you should use another method other than poisons or lethal traps. The repellent of the above is said to be sure, but it may be expensive if you have to reapply continuously. We recommend planting a barrier of some plants that are offensive to the mole instead of poisons, traps and repellents. Could not run faster, but you can enjoy the plants.

There are several pockets that are offensive tomoles, and the other is the daffodil. There are two species: the Siberian squill with hanging flowers, bell-like yellow and the imperial crown was hanging yellow flowers. Both of these bulbs bloom in spring and still has a smell like a fox, which is not pleasant, in accordance with the mole. There are some others that are offensive to the sauce and chives, garlic, onions, leeks, onions, shallots and cut flowers. Here are some remedies formole pest control and residential.

Mole Pest Control and Residential

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Black & Decker MS800B Mouse Detail Sander With Dust Collection

!: Comparison Black & Decker MS800B Mouse Detail Sander With Dust Collection buy now

Brand : Black & Decker | Rate : | Price : $30.00
Post Date : Apr 10, 2011 23:48:14 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Compact design and orbital action of mouse makes it ideal for finish and detail sanding, polishing metals, and scrubbing grout paint from windows. Soft gel grips give comfort and control. Interchangeable bases let you switch easily between jobs. Hook and loop system for fast paper changes. Kit includes assorted sandpaper, and storage bag. .5A motor. 11,000 OPM.

  • Detail sander with compact design for light sanding work
  • Performs fine sanding, polishing, scrubbing
  • Small size, finger attachment allow access to small areas
  • Dust collection system keeps workspace clean
  • Includes 41 sanding accessories, 2 contour attachments

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Catchmaster Mouse & Insect Glue traps "Case of 60"

!: Shopping Catchmaster Mouse & Insect Glue traps "Case of 60" This instant

Brand : | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Mar 24, 2011 19:16:28 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Product Description* Perfect for mice, spiders, scorpions and other crawling insects * Strongest glueboards on the market * Mice won't get free! * The glue formulas in Catchmaster glue traps are effective for at least one (1) year in a home scenario and for five (5) years unopened in a warehouse locale. * Non-poisonous cardboard glue trap that captures mice, roaches and insects on contact. * A special release paper protects the glue until the board is used. * Place CATCHMASTER flat against walls or corners. * In dusty areas, the 8" x 4" board can be folded into a covered glue trap. Simply drop it in the trash after use. * Directions are printed in English and Spanish. FlyBye Bird Control Products offers plenty of other glue boards as well

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Catchmaster Mouse & Insect Glue traps "Case of 60"

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Victor Electronic Mouse Trap Multi-Mata

!: Victor Electronic Mouse Trap Multi-Mata

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Let's talk about Mice, right? Rats are interesting creatures, that is, until you start the burglary. Yes, I have to admit I had a minor problem in my house mouse. However, some of my friends have had problems much more difficult in the past. I'm glad I do not end up like some of them.

However, when someone has a mouse problem, there are several choices. One of them called an exterminator, and the other is developingmouse deterrent strategy. This message contains information about a new product called the big winner of multiple mouse trap kill mail.

All you people out there who has a mouse problem or have a past, you really should see this new device. To give a quick briefing, the general deterrence mouse electronic gadgets use electricity to kill rats. I know that is not the most humane method of deterring the mouse around, butIs known to work. In my opinion, is much more human with poison. I call this product "machine" because it is a complex mouse to remove the machine.

There are two entrances I think both have stairs leading to a specific section. This is the fourth on their part that shocks the street. Once the Mice were all that and even when he died, the mechanism sends a useful purpose. This small container with a capacity of ten Mice per charge. Guess that's whyThey called it the "multi-kill." I like this product because it does most of the work alone and part of the installation is a breeze.

Victor Electronic Mouse Trap Multi-Mata

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