Saturday, November 26, 2011

Childrens Asthma: Problems When Sleeping

!: Childrens Asthma: Problems When Sleeping

The majority of children have some difficulty during the night. To wake a couple of hours after going to sleep with a nasty cough is common. As is snoring, bed-wetting, and restless sleeping [thrashing about and waking often].

There is a simple explanation, and a direct solution. Remember the simple lesson of the mouse and the elephant. The only way to cause asthma is by breathing like a big ......elephant. One of the easiest ways to breath like an elephant is to sleep on your back. In this position there is no resistance to huge deep breaths. Turning on your side makes it physically more difficult to breathe so deeply ó your body pushes down on your lungs more.

The other problem with being asleep is that your mouth will usually open this allows us to breathe even more deeply. On top of this our breathing gets deeper as our sleep gets deeper. When we are in our deepest sleep, our breathing is at its deepest ó very deep indeed if we are on lying on our backs with our mouths open! Too deep.

This elephantine breathing cause loss of more CO2 than we produce, the level gets dangerously low, and various defenses including spasm of smooth muscle and increased mucus production kick into gear. So your child starts coughing, snoring or wheezing, or the constriction of the smooth muscle around the bladder causes it to feel very full and bed wetting occurs. [Snoring is just your throat closing a little to try to stop you breathing like an elephant.]

The answer to this is to keep your mouth closed when you are asleep. The Manual contains a full section on this, but in brief, use surgical tape to keep your childs mouth closed. Do this only on children over 5 years. It has been used on younger children, and the reason I suggest this age is to ensure that the child has the ability to pull the tape off him if needed.

Before you write this idea off as absurd and dangerous listen to the instructions. The goal is to have just enough sticking power on the tape for it to stay on, and keep the lips together.

The tape recommended is called surgical or paper tape about 1 inch wide, available from a pharmacist. Tear off a strip about 2 inches [5 cms].

Fold a small tab on each end, so that it is easy to grip. Then repeatedly put the tape onto your palm and tear it off. Do this until it is hardly sticky at all.

It does not need much power to keep your lips together. Ensure your mouth is closed, as you can breathe through this tape, and gently place in lengthways along your lips. I suggest you do this on yourself first to show your child that you are also doing it. [It will greatly improve your sleep quality if you actually wear it in bed.]

Have a practice during the day with the tape so there is less if any drama at bedtime. Check on the child around 3.30 am to check he has not pulled it off. Re-apply it if necessary.

If it is off and you do not re-apply it, then your child will have no protection during the deepest sleep/breathing period, and will start the next day dealing with the results of huge elephant breathing. This may be asthma, bedwetting or just plain tiredness. As with the breathing drills, this is as important as brushing your teeth!

The most common concern with this is that your nose will block up will your mouth is taped closed and you will suffocate. Fortunately, the effect of CO2 on your nose makes this impossible. The more blocked your nose becomes, the more CO2 you will trap in. The extra CO2 will cause your nose to unblock. So your nose will not block completely unless you open your mouth. It may whistle a bit, but cannot close up completely.

Childrens Asthma: Problems When Sleeping

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to Control and Prevent Pantry Pests

!: How to Control and Prevent Pantry Pests

There are many kinds of pests that you can bring into your house from the wet market. Moths, weevils, beetles, and cockroaches are just some of the many pests that you might unwittingly bring with you into your hearth and home. Flower arrangements, decorative dried corn cobs, cake mix, chocolates, spices, mouse and rat bait, cookies, crackers, granola bars, and other foodstuffs are some of the things that can invite pests to lodge in your home. However, since these things are necessary, being food or household items in daily use---indoor pest control is needed to ensure that you and your family remain safe from pests.

If these foods are improperly stored or are kept for a long period of time, pest eggs can hatch in the food containers themselves without your knowing it. Here are some tips you can follow to help as pests control:

When infested with moths, weevils, or beetles, emptying all drawers, cabinets and pantries of any possible infested item helps to prevent the spread of the infestation. Containers or items which are a possible source of the infestation must be cleaned or gotten rid of. Putting items into Tupperware containers, air-tight canisters, or zip-lock plastic bags help prevent these pests from getting into them. If you wish to save foodstuff that you think might be infested, placing them in the fridge for five to ten days will kill the pests that might be residing in them. Ensuring that canned goods' rims are cleaned, and that the sides and edges of jar lids are cleaned ensure that pests cannot reside in them.

Using aerosol sprays with crevice tips, such as the CB-invader will allow you to spray not just the obvious areas where pests might roam around or may be seen, but those nooks and crannies where they hide and breed. Spraying these areas will kills all adult pests, however it should be noted that some pupae or eggs can still survive and develop a resistance to the insecticide. To rid yourself of cigarette beetles, a treatment on Precor IGR solution on cracks are crevices work. It is very good in decimating the beetle population. For some similar pests, Gentrol Point Source or Gentrol will prevent premature pests from developing into adult ones, thus killing off their population by preventing reproduction. Using this method prevents re-infestation and facilitates in efficient pest control. For persistent pests, a secondary or tertiary treatment of the odorless CB-invader for some weeks will do the job.

If you are having trouble with Mediterranean Moths, Indian Meal Moths, or other moths which infest flour and grains, placing moth traps are useful for eliminating them, since they catch adult moths and prevent them from laying eggs. The trap itself is highly inviting to moths since it is laced with a very strong sex pheromone which baits them into 'mating' with the trap, only to be caught in the sticky glue.

Common pantry pests are highly irritating and annoying, especially if they infest a household. However, one can easily manage to eradicate these pesky critters by following some of the simple tips stated above. When infested with the flour moth, the first, second, and third step may be undertaken. However, there are some exceptions, such as in the case of still hatching pupae. By cutting down on the pesticides until they hatch, you have a better chance of killing them.

If still your pest problems persist, contact an integrated pest management service. They will gladly assist you in eradicating your bane once and for all!

How to Control and Prevent Pantry Pests

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Deadly VENUS TRAP (Dionaea Muscipula) in Action ►►►Captured on Live Video!

A rare video of the Deadly VENUS TRAP (a Carnivorous/Predatory Plant) Captured on Live Video! SHOWN ON THIS VIDEO FOOTAGE►►► The Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) SHOWN ON THIS VIDEO FOOTAGE►►► The snap traps of Dionaea muscipula close rapidly when triggered to trap prey between two lobes. ►►► SNAP TRAP ►►► (Information Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The only two active snap traps—the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) and the waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa)—are believed to have had a common ancestor with similar adaptations. Their trapping mechanism has also been described as a "mouse trap" , "bear trap" or "man trap", based on their shape and rapid movement. However, the term snap trap is preferred as other designations are misleading, particularly with respect to the intended prey. Aldrovanda is aquatic and specialised in catching small invertebrates; Dionaea is terrestrial and catches a variety of arthropods, including spiders. The traps are very similar, with leaves whose terminal section is divided into two lobes, hinged along the midrib. Trigger hairs (three on each lobe in Dionaea muscipula, many more in the case of Aldrovanda) inside the trap lobes are sensitive to touch. When a trigger hair is bent, stretch-gated ion channels in the membranes of cells at the base of the trigger hair open, generating an action potential that propagates to cells in the midrib. These cells respond by pumping out ions, which may either cause water to ...

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to Get Rid of Field Mice

!: How to Get Rid of Field Mice

If you have a field mice infestation inside or outside the home, then follow these tips. If you aren't sure if they are technically field mice or not, it's OK because this process will work with any kind of mouse.

First you need to mow the yard as short as possible and clean up any extra sticks or leaves in the to make it difficult for the mice to have a place to live and seek out shelter.

Outdoors you have a few more options than you do indoors because you don't have the fear of mice dying inside your walls. Only try these techniques if you are sure they aren't in your home.

Usa bait stations. These work well at killing mice, but be aware that it's a poisonous process. For the most part these will help control the population.

Soda pop in a bowl will be attractive to the mice. It can make them sick and kill them.

Use instant mashed potatoes. These will be eaten by mice and will cause their bellies to swell and kill them.

If you have field mice inside the home, there are some ways of getting rid of them.

Clean up the house and seal up all food products completely. Don't leave clothes around the house.

Seal up any cracks you find with steel wool because mice can't chew through steel.

Inside it's harder to use poisons and baits cause children and pets could come in contact with them. Use sticky traps and traps instead to be on the safe side or better yet electronic rodent control devices.

How to Get Rid of Field Mice

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